Hello, again beautiful Sacred Journeys Community...
It feels like so long ago since we saw some of you at our last Community Sweat Lodge on New Years Day and although we have had a few Rainbow Warrior Sweats and several Gatherings in between, we are looking forward to being back in Grandmother Earth’s womb next Saturday with you *February 11th @ 2pm* to wash away what we don’t need and welcome in more of what we really do desire!
There are still some spots available so if it sounds like just what you need, then book asap for a purification of cosmic proportions ???? !
We have uploaded the 2017 events onto our FB group, FB page and also have Google Calendar available on our website so please take a moment to pop in, diarize and call us to book the Gatherings that touch your heart and tickle your fancy...
Google Calendar
Even though it seems the world is in chaos, the year has already been full of *magickal moments* and is proving to continue flowing with abundant opportunities for confrontation and healing that bring about growth and expansion within all of us. All you have to do is look for them!
As many of you already know, the Rainbow Warriors will be taking more of our time in 2017 with three groups running concurrently, and so we only have 2 Living Clean Programs, 1 Relationships Workshop and an Awareness Retreat planned in SA at this stage. Also, as our Community continues to grow across the world, we will be spending more time in Canada and who knows – maybe even other places???
We already have students enrolled for our next *Rainbow Warrior Group starting in May* and only have space left for 3 (possibly 4) more. This Program provides a solid foundation for all Shamanic Training and becomes a stepping stone on the journey to true Apprenticeship. The call goes out in search of the 144 000 Rainbow Warriors, so if it touches you, then call us to chat.
I have really been enjoying the exploration, growth and support that the *Red Owl Sisterhood Circles* have created and look forward to expanding this much needed feminine space even further.
I feel honoured to bear witness to the cultivation of deep inner stillness, a softening, an opening and a willingness to explore the sensations that arise from our wombs when we come together – I cannot help but feel excited about what we are able to tap into when we open our hearts to one another in this way.
I encourage all of you women, come and join our monthly *Sisterhood Gathering Circle on February 21st @ 6:30pm* so you too can get to explore the power of your Feminine Nature.
Sacred Journeys turns 7 in March! We also have our dear friend Sasha visiting from Canada at this time to continue her studies with us so it’s going to be a full and exciting time...
We have decided to celebrate with a *BIRTHDAY BASH ON THE BEACH* on Monday March 6th @ 6:30pm. We will have a bonfire to honour the Sacred Fires as they continue to feed and support us with warmth and light, and probably conduct a simple Ceremony of reflection and thanksgiving as we prepare to support Sacred Journeys into its next cycle.
So bring yourself, your loved ones, your drums and a picnic dinner and let’s enjoy a relaxed and casual evening together in Community (message us for more Birthday Bash details)
I don’t want to bore you with too much more so I’ll leave you with a reminder – there is no time like the present – so take the next step and diarize, book or call us so you too can share the Medicine of the SunDance Circle.
In Beauty, Lou & Laurel