rainbow warriors are gathering
We are the gathering together circle of Rainbow People.
We dance our way towards enlightenment.
We meet our inner darkness with kindness, gentleness and compassion.
We choose to walk a path with heart and to pursue knowledge and pleasure as our way of self growth.
We shall walk in balance with Grandmother Earth and in harmony with all her children.
We stand against the enemies of ignorance, superstition, dogma, prejudice, racism, and slavery.
We empower ourselves and each other to live in individual, autonomous freedom.

Raven Lodge is an ONLINE journey into the world of mystery and magick.
It is a portal for personal, ancestral, inter-generational and collective healing and maturation.
It will help to bring about significant transformation in your Self, your life and our world.
The Raven is the bringer of mystery and magick, beckoning us to explore a deeper part of ourselves, while extracting our hidden power to shape and create the reality we desire.
Asking the Raven to guide us into the depths of our darkness helps us find resolution with our innermost conflicts as we recognise our darkness defines our light.
Only the bold and courageous can delve into the chasm of their discomfort and pain, uncovering a priceless treasure chest of talents, skills and abilities.
Equipped with the power and strength to change, we take each challenge head on, refusing to back away.
Warriors at heart, we activate our connecting link between death and life, destroying the next fear and rebirthing ourselves again and again. This is the journey of all Rainbow Warriors—to shine, no matter what.
When you align to the Raven, you transform your life from the mundane to the magnificent.
contains specific teachings, ceremonies and skills focused on different aspects of our human experience.
Upon enrolment, you will receive your Welcome & Overview of the Raven Lodge HomePlay Guide.
It includes seven chapters.
Each chapter has it's own unique theme and contains specific teachings, ceremonies, and techniques of discipline that will play a part in emptying your cup, discarding all of who you thought you should be to discover your truth.
Each chapter should take you about 4-6 weeks to move through, after which we gather together in Raven Lodge Virtual Tipi to explore the content.
Packed with valuable material, the rich & extensive teachings in the HomePlay Guide provide a step by step process to developing your skills, abilities and natural gifts as a Rainbow Warrior of the light.
As you apply, grow and learn through this interactive HomePlay Guide, you embark on an ongoing personal journey of self-discovery & self-mastery.
is a strong container of learning and support to test, challenge and hone the Rainbow Warrior within you.
As you begin your journey, a portal opens, giving you access to this in-person gathering place where the magick happens. It is a powerful space for exploring, learning, applying, testing, challenging, and asking questions about these ageless Medicine Wheels.
Through the course of the year, you will join Weaving Willow live for 6 Teaching Circles in the Virtual Tipi. In these 90-minute gatherings she guides you through each of the unique themes that make up the foundation of the Rainbow Warrior Shamanic Training Program. Along with her experience & support, she will challenge you to dig ever deeper into yourself, in search of your meaning, purpose & actualizing your dream.
As an added bonus, you get to engage in valuable discussions with other Rainbow Warriors, where you share, learn, support & grow from each other and create an empowered collective consciousness.