An undeniable truth that will reveal how to:
Since animals live in harmony with nature, they teach us how to deepen our spiritual connections and see the bigger picture of why we are here.
AMWA is a unique form of astrology, combining the medicine wheel teachings of the indigenous people of the Americas and the ancient wisdom embodied in the African animals. AMWA uses two templates, both configured in the circular patterns of the medicine wheel.
One wheel houses the 21 Spheres, the other the 21 Allies, both give us access to ancient knowledge and wisdom.
When we apply an individual’s date of birth, we combine these two wheels to create a unique Birth Constellation. Its sole purpose is to guide you and teach you how to walk a path of power, a path of beauty, a path of excellence and a path of success.

They house the secrets to becoming a happy, healthy, hopeful human being.
Each sphere holds a piece of the sacred code, unlocking the mysteries of our naturalness and our potential.

Each AMWA Ally is a personal adviser providing us with valuable insight, guidance and direction.
They are continually communicating, coaching, and teaching you how to wake up, sift through what’s true and untrue and take authority of your life.
The goal, to guide you to your life’s purpose as you evolve into the person you are meant to be.
Are you ready to meet your true self?
The images that he birthed initially revealed themselves as a 21-card Wisdom Deck; 19 animals, a Bushman and a Baobab.
The DECK OF CARDS was only the beginning, they had so much more to say.
Applying their natural traits to his knowledge and wisdom of the Medicine Wheel Teachings, they took him on a journey of development, deepening and expansion that he did not expect.
In 2021 he published his first book, Africa Speaks which has become the foundation of the ONLINE Course AMWA PT-101 and has become the official TRAINING MANUAL for students who want to know more about this paradigm. The MESA CLOTH is a great addition as a template for AMWA Readings.
Any time you feel disconnected and long for a deeper sense of Spirit,
reach for your AMWA DECK and allow the animal world to be your guides.

Marrying the indisputable wisdom of African animals with the candid truths of the medicine wheel teachings, this one of a kind, insightful form of Astrology is unparalleled by any other modality.
Join us on a rich and captivating journey of discovering and awakening to the beauty, power, and wisdom of AMWA within yourself.
Encounter your Animal Allies and learn how they work as your own personal advisors providing insight, guidance, and direction for every part of your life.
Improve intimacy, creativity, free will, and health as you step into heightened awareness.
Determine the course of your destiny and manifest your sacred dream.
Align to your natural essence, discover the truth of who you really are.