Welcome to our Women’s Lodge, an activated womb space of exploration, healing & remembering for mothers, daughters, sisters & grandmothers.

Willing to remember, listen, share, challenge, support, cry, laugh, surrender, be still, & hold one another tenderly.
Let all the parts of you emerge, unearth your True Nature.
Claim your Womb Medicine - the infinite vessel of power, beauty & magick that you hold within, which provides you with the strength & endurance you need to reclaim your Self.
Right now, women around the world are desperately seeking ways to align to the collective changes happening within us and globally.
We are being called upon as women, to surrender to chaos, embrace change, activate our womb medicine & heal all dissonant energy streams.
A Woman’s desire to dream beauty & magick back into herself & the world comes with responsibilities. She needs to:
One seeking to dream beauty & magick into yourself & the world?
A woman wanting to activate your womb medicine & ride the waves of change?
Then keep reading to discover the magick of Womb Healing, and the gathering together of women in Moon Lodges and Retreats.

The spirit of Red Owl connects us to other sisterhood circles across the globe.
All sacred spaces where women gather to awaken, learn, discover & explore the mysteries of the feminine.
All who feed compassion, beauty, knowledge & freedom into the world.
And to all who are brave enough to stand strong in the face of the current chaotic collective evolutionary change - and not lose our SHIT!

We journey into the ancient memory held within our blood, bones & wombs, to re-member who we truly are.
We learn the ancient mysteries of the sacred feminine, of natural energy cycles, of the four faces of the feminine: Maiden, Mother, Maga, Hag,
We embody our destiny, to wax and wane into the potent creatrix, the Great Goddess, Wakhan.
These are the true mysteries of the wild woman. Of the women who run with the wolves.
We walk in the old way.

Private Consultations with Weaving Willow

Our life force energy pumps through not only our reproductive system but also our respiratory, digestive, circulatory, lymphatic and nervous systems, therefore understanding and aligning to this orgastic energy is the key to vibrant longevity.
The womb is the seat of power of the feminine. It is the place from which life is conceived, nurtured and birthed.
The life force that runs through it is orgastic in essence. It thrives on pleasure, joy and desire for life.
A woman's reproductive system is perfectly designed to clear out monthly, ensuring all systems remain in vibrant health.
This happens physically and energetically, which means you have a built in health and wellness centre - if you know how to use it!
The inability to know how to use the menstrual cycle to clear loss, rejection, humiliation, abuse, sexual violation, hysterectomy or other invasive medical procedures etc. results in a toxic womb space.
In a healthy state, the womb does not hold on to past pain. It is a container of potential, not the dumping ground for unresolved trauma.
Carrying trauma in your womb results in: shutting down from pain and pleasure, debilitating anxiety, feeling highly defensive, disconnecting from life, low sexual libido or manifestation of a sickness, illness or disease. (If you've had organs removed or are into your menopausal phase, a womb healing is highly recommended.)
These one-on-one sessions support what you really need in a gentle, non-invasive way.
A Womb Healing is a valuable way to clear out the trauma held in your womb.
It will guide you in understanding your energy stream and how to direct it with the intent of regenerating a healthy vibrant womb.
A session could include sound healing, breathwork, journeying, hands on healing or the use of shamanic medicine tools, such as crystals, gourd, drum, eagle whistle, marriage basket.
When we know how to listen to the innate wisdom of our own body, we can understand what we truly need, heal our trauma, open our hearts and live in health and wholeness.

Women's Gathering Together Circles

We come together as women have done since always and for always - in celebration and honouring of the cycles of life, death and rebirth. This Sisterhood Circle holds women tenderly in sacred space, where it is safe to explore, discover, to question & learn from the grandmother elders who have come before us. Their knowing & wisdom goes beyond our comprehension. Their teachings have been handed down since always & for always. Their ruthless compassion will help us dislodge who we think we are to reveal who we truly are. The more present you are in your participation, the more we all gain.
held at the New and Full Moon.
Using the Medicine Wheel Teachings as the vehicle, you are invited to journey into the Great Mystery of the Matriarch Energy to unlock your Sacredness.
Sit in the presence of spirit and the Great Mother Goddess, ask her to guide you into your heart and womb to unlock the feminine power residing within.
Travel into the domain of feeling and listening intimately with your body.
Cultivate your fertile womb to birth your unique expression.
You are encouraged to become your own disciple.
To take the time to search within and reflect on what you harvest.
Allow the knowledge to seat itself in your womb and dream with you.
As you do this, you will remember that you are the walking temple of Wakhan.
Moon Lodges include storytelling, teachings, drumming, sounding, breathwork, dance, connecting to the elements, and ritual to connect us to our Self.

10 day Changing Woman Medicine Journey in October

Be held & supported.
Honour the process of letting go.
Liberate yourself to discover the joy residing deep within your heart.
Access the healing current of your life force from the Great Mother Goddess within.
It is the seat of your power, your womb medicine.
Retreat from the world.
Awaken & align yourself with the change that the Solstice energy brings.
We explore ancient shamanic teachings, weave our dreamtime with intent, drop inwards through guided journeys, communicate outwards using creative expression, we make Medicine (objects of power & manifestation), we journal & draw & discuss & share, we create ceremonies to open portals of greater awareness, we dance & rest & dedicate our time to being wholly present to mother nature, our Selves & each other.
Join us as we laugh, cry, learn, talk, share, rattle, howl & release our wonderful wild women within.
The spirit of the Sacred Feminine calls.

is a medicine woman & spirit wisdom keeper
She has trained in the Shamanic Twisted Hair lineage, is a Sweat Lodge Dance Chief & has carried a Sacred Medicine Pipe for more than 12 years.
She facilitates Women’s Lodges through the guidance of Red Owl, her teachers, & the Grandmother’s.
She weaves healing medicine into the fabric of all life, sharing from the wisdom of her womb through the mantle of the matriarch.
She directs one’s attention to the heart of the matter, to see what needs to be seen, feel what needs to be felt & heal the wounding deep within.