Let us, each to the other, be a Gift as is the Buffalo.
Let us be Meat to Nourish each other, that we all may Grow.
Sit here with me, each of you as you are in your own Perceiving of yourself, as Mouse, Wolf, Coyote, Weasel, Fox or Prairie Bird.
Let me See through your Eyes.
Let us Teach each other here in this Great Lodge of the People, this SunDance, of each of the Ways on this Great Medicine Wheel, our Earth.

The Elders foretold we would undergo significant shifts in consciousness during this transitional time in history.
Their legacy has equipped us with ancient Shamanic Teachings, Sacred Ceremonies and Rites of Passage to support us through these changing times.
Joining a shamanic experience at Sacred Journeys removes you from your normal life and immerses you in a world of healing, learning, growing, exploring, celebrating, shifting and changing.
Empowering yourself in this way equips you with the strength to let go of the need to control and instead flow with the changes - which are an uncontrollable part of our reality.
When you can align with change, you align with the world and it's intrinsic nature.
This is how you heal yourself, walk in your beauty and change the world.
This is what it means to teach each other here in this Great Lodge of the People, the Ways of this Great Medicine Wheel.
You will find descriptions below for some of the retreats, ceremonies and courses we have been asked to develop and facilitate over the years. As with those who came before us, it is our mandate to support the needs of the people. If you do not find what you're looking for here, you'd like to discover more, have some questions or want to make a personal connection, then schedule a free 20-minute video-call.
THE Alchemist's CAULDRON
Are you ready to crack open the barriers to your fullest expression?
Do you wish to stand in your personal power and shape your future?
Are you yearning to thrive in our changing world?
african medicine wheel astrology
Combining Africa's natural world and the Medicine Wheels of the Twisted Hairs, this paradigm offers you a tool designed to open your heart and heal your mind.
The African animals embody the ancient wisdom imbued in the soil which birthed humanity, offering you their priceless guidance about survival, harmony, relationship, power, strength and balance.
As in the old way of Apprenticeship, the student is guided through the 5 Gateways of Human Awareness, each one rich with shamanic knowledge, teachings and ceremonies rooted in the study of nature, psychology, human physiology, spirituality, science and philosophy.
Do you want to create a life filled with personal power?
This ONLINE COURSE is a shamanic journey into the world of mystery and magick.
It is a portal for personal, ancestral, inter-generational and collective healing and maturation.
With its black plumage and captivating voice, the Raven reminds us we are the most important person in our lives. Resilient and fearless, the Raven teaches us to tap into our innate intelligence to solve the mystery of who we truly are and cast aside the unnecessary baggage overshadowing our brilliance.
The journey brings about significant transformation in your Self, your life and our world.
One of the major lessons we must learn through these intense changes, is to find greater levels of open heartedness and acceptance, not only in our relationships with others but especially in our relationship with ourselves.
As a community, we gather in these circles to explore the Sacred Medicine Wheel Teachings, to gain other perspectives, of ourselves, one another and our world as we understand it.
We sit with the Sacred Medicine Pipe, we enter the Sacred Sweat Lodge so we may align to the changes we face, and expand into a state of open hearted acceptance of ourselves, the world and other humans.
When we sit in Sacred Circle and speak from the heart, shift happens.
When we sit in a Sacred Sweat Lodge, we let go of our everyday stress and crisis.
When we sit in the Great Lodge, we learn from each other and from the Ways of this Great Medicine Wheel, our Earth.
Join us for these transformational weekends where you get to learn from the Medicine Wheels, integrate their truth, and sit in Ceremony with your ancestors asking the Medicine People of the Twisted Hairs Lineage for their knowledge, wisdom and guidance.
Each workshop has a different theme and intent, with a focus on giving you simple and effective ways to gain deeper insights into yourself, the world around you and others.
Using natures wisdom, the greatest healer and teacher of all, you are guided back to hearing her voice speak quietly of Beauty, as she touches you with her Wholeness.
As you accumulate life experiences, the ones with a negative impact cause imbalances and weigh you down with unexpressed emotions. This results in sickness, illness, looking for ways to cope, forming unwanted habits, making unhealthy lifestyle choices, becoming withdrawn, anxious or depressed, experiencing a lack of confidence, feelings of worthlessness and losing your purpose in life.
A Personal Shamanic Retreat is tailor-made for you. We look at the WHOLE you - your emotional fluidity, physical health, mental clarity, spiritual determination and your harmonious connection.
This is an intensive 10-day experiential Shamanic Program designed to deal with dysfunctional patterns and behaviours within the human psyche. If not dealt with, these behaviours create neural pathways or memory programs in the brain resulting in addictions.
This Program is not easy, it will challenge you to face your core issues.
We guide you through a step by step process, where we help you to identify and take the steps to overcome the source of what created the misalignment in the first place.
Are you ready to clean up your past & stand in your own authority?
private couples retreatS
The very nature of being alive means that we are in relationship with everything!
Healthy fulfilling relationships don't just happen. For them to thrive, the individuals must be willing to invest time and energy to feed their own needs, support their partners and give to the ever changing needs of the relationship.
Every relationship is as different as the individuals within it.
A Private Couples Retreat offers you quality time, dedicated support and guidance from two impeccable facilitators, and a variety of experiences to meet your specific needs.
What does your relationship need right now?
Shamanic Healing includes the active commitment and participation of the patient and provides you with an alternative, holistic approach to non-invasive and non-medical health and wellbeing.
The Healing process begins with an initial consultation and a "Healing Intake Form". This becomes the basis by which a specific healing ceremony is prepared for you. Creating the healing ceremony takes between 4 to 7 days to prepare because each healing is as unique as the individual.
A Healing could include a traditional Pipe Ceremony, various doctoring techniques, chakra system restoration and crystal work. These tools clear out imbalances and blocks within your energy body and re-centre your emotional, physical, mental and spiritual aspects.
Please note: Our services are not a substitute for consulting with a qualified medical professional.
The Bridging Crystal Dome sets the boundary around the perimeter of the property you want to protect. It also links into a network of all like-energy Domes across the world.
The House Blessing Dome supports the health, harmony and balance of activities within the space.
The Mesa Altar is the innermost layer which holds an energy matrix for the Dome. This matrix aligns whoever is in the space to step into their higher potential.
It is witnessed and blessed by the minerals, plants, animals and participants.
As with most weddings, the ceremony has rituals woven through it to strengthen the bond and commitment of the couple. The smudging purifies all those who are present, while the washing of the couple's hands cleanses and releases their past. Invoking Great Spirit in its formlessness, both feminine and masculine existing within all things throughout the universe brings the blessings of mutual respect and sacred communion of the two individuals.
The ceremony is performed within the Sacred Medicine Circle which holds a protective and supportive space for the union of these lovers.
At the completion of the ceremony, the couple are wrapped in a bonding blanket to symbolize two bodies living as one under the blessing and guidance of the Great Spirit.