We ask the wisdom of the Red People to help us penetrate our western boundaries of time and space to see beyond our own perceptions of reality, of how we relate to others and how we engage with the world around us. We look to our Earth Mother as our first teacher and listen deeply to her warnings and her wisdom.
For the truth to reveal itself, we must first suspend our beliefs.
Everything in the Universe is circular, and it is from within the circle, that these Medicine Wheels and Keys become alive and dance us awake. They stretch us into more of who we desire to be. They expand our personal self-growth and development. They teach us to live in balance and harmony with our Selves, Life and Others.
We welcome you into this circle of power.
Change is upon us. How are you negotiating and managing the changes?
Change is challenging, unfamiliar and unavoidable. It's difficult to know how to traverse the unknown when you don't recognize what you're facing and where it may take you. Aligning to change requires self-awareness. It's not about getting it right or being perfect, it's about exploring new possibilities and approaches, while letting go of the fear of failing and making mistakes.
Awareness helps us access the inner teacher who guides us back to wholeness. Most human beings want to achieve greater success, more happiness and deeper intimacy. To accomplish these things requires a presence, a motivation and a focus of attention.
This is an act of living in awareness.
Attending one of our Shamanic Workshops removes you from your normal life and immerses you in a world of self-empowerment, bringing greater awareness of the natural gifts, strengths and talents needed to align to change. As you become more aware of what's happening in your inner world and how to satisfy your true needs, you relate with the outer world in a new way.
Founded in the ancient Twisted Hairs wisdom, these Teachings equip you with the knowledge, tools and techniques to let go of what doesn't work so you can grow and evolve. Give yourself the gift of time to focus and cultivate your personal ecology, direct your attention back to self first, then life, then others.
You have the power to choose and change your reality. Invest in the most precious thing you have; YOURSELF! This is how shift happens.

This opens the space to support and meet the unique needs of each participant who intends themselves into the circle.
Under the auspices of the Twisted Hairs Lineage, the impact of these workshops stretches beyond just what happens in the physical, its impact reaches out into the collective, for ancestral and inter-generational healing, growth and evolution.
Our facilitation method is dynamic and comes from more than 40 years of combined teaching experience. We have an extensive toolbox filled with teachings, exercises, ceremonies and techniques available to us.
These are some of the shamanic practices you will get to experience during our time together:
This path I walk through life, this sacred journey, is my exclusive masterpiece.
The movement between my light and darkness brings depth and form to my uniqueness.
As the painter and the canvas, I choose how to express my beauty.
May we all walk in Beauty.
My commitment to seeking out my darkest depths has revealed to me my greatest shining. This is my way with self, life and others.
I carry my heart on my sleeve and make no excuses
for who I am or how I feel.
My deep compassion for all living things reflects back to me through the beauty that is my life experience.
Not all our offerings are held at our homebase Retreat and Training Centre in KwaZulu Natal.
As our Twisted Hair Elders before us, we are also travellers, movers and shakers - so we have the priveledge of going where spirit and the people need us.
If you would like to discuss hosting us, feel free to contact us.
Home base is situated in the picturesque Valley of a 1000 Hills midway between Durban and Pietermaritzburg, Sacred Journeys offers a sanctuary away from the busy-ness of the world so you can focus on YOU.
The Centre offers a large open plan teaching space, communal kitchen, indoor ablutions and a magickal outdoor shower.
The medicine gardens are lovingly tended around the Centre, and just beyond the buildings you can walk into acres of natural bush that sings with an abundance of bird, plant and mineral life.
Teachings & Ceremonies include:
The Eight Great Powers Wheel, The Song of the Four Directions, The Powers and Manifestations of the Medicine Wheel, The Wheels of Elements, Seasons, Colours, Human Aspects and The Worlds of Grandmother Earth, The Creation Story, Song of the Four Directions, Flowering Tree Ceremony, The Blessed Beauty Way Prayer and A Medicine Wheel Nature Walk Talk.
To walk in beauty is one of the greatest gifts we can give to the planet.
May we all walk in beauty.
Teachings & Ceremonies include:
Who we are extends beyond what we will ever understand about ourselves.
In our naturalness we are Magickal and Mysterious.
Teachings & Ceremonies include:
Our quality of life depends on our willingness to heal the pain of our past.
It is our birthright to live in health, happiness and harmony.
Teachings & Ceremonies include:
When we align to change, we stop being victims to what is beyond our control.
We become the agents of change.
Teachings & Ceremonies include:
We don't need to ask permission to have what we desire from life.
It's there, waiting for us to claim.
Each student steps into ceremonial components that bring integration of their current year of training & initiate their transition into the next. Imagine a week of living together in the Tipi Village - uninterrupted, intentful, present with yourself & other like-minded Rainbow Warriors; healing, growing, shifting, changing.
By making your own drum, you come into divine communion with all five elements & the minerals, plants & animals. They are what contribute to the manifestation of everything.
A Drum Birthing Ceremony awakens the drum to it's unique voice & song. It affords the creator the chance to pay respect to our great mother & accept the death-life experience of re-birthing ourselves into a new life. In this way we celebrate, that from nothing, everything was birthed, and from everything, we return to the nothing.
I drum, therefore I am.
When we sit in union with the drum, we connect to our own rhythm &
We feel our return to the unconditional nurturing of the great mother.
We align to the universal beat of the heart centre.
We surrender ourselves to the beauty of all that is, all that was, & all that ever shall be. A Medicine Wheel Nature Walk Talk.
The time is now for you to become a powerful instrument of change.
Join us on a rich and captivating journey of discovering and
awakening to the beauty, power, and wisdom of AMWA within yourself.
Encounter your Animal Allies and learn how they work as your
own personal advisors providing insight, guidance, and direction for every part
of your life.
Improve intimacy, creativity, free will, and health as you
step into heightened awareness.
Teachings & Ceremonies include:
Align to your natural essence, discover the truth of who you really are, unlock your inner wisdom and follow your life's purpose.
Anger tells the story about how we react to life when things don't go as expected.
We mistake anger to be the problem, but the real issue lies with our expectations.
For most of us, anger is an intense emotion we would rather avoid. Unlike surrendering to our feel good emotions, we fear that releasing this emotion will cause harm.
What we don't realize is the harm it causes when we suppress or deny our anger.